In music, a grace note is a note that is held for a brief moment...barely touched on the piano. "Grace Notes" seems like a fitting name for this blog. Our lives changed when I carried our daughter, Grace, for 9 months only to hold her (in my earthly opinion) for a brief moment. She lives in heaven with her Savior. If only that comfort, that sure hope we have, would take away the pain of missing her.

"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things." Ecclesiastes 11:5

We are always thankful for Grace.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy Belated Father's Day

I can remember the song "Lead Me" being played so often two years ago...almost to the point of "O.K., enough already." When we finally took the time to listen to the words, we realized what a beautiful prayer this is for fathers. Being the head of the household has to be the toughest job. So many of my friends who are moms are taking on both roles as a parent with their children. There are no words to express how difficult that must be. Thankfully, we can always turn to our Heavenly Father for guidance.

The following poem was sent to me a few months after Grace died. It has given me a different perspective on the grief of a father.

It must be very difficult to be a man in grief,
since "men don't cry" and "men are strong",
no tears can bring relief.
It must be very difficult to stand up to the test
 and field the calls and visitors,
so she can get some rest.
They always ask if she's alright and what she's going through,
but seldom take his hand and ask, "My friend, what about you?"
He hears her cry in the night and thinks his heart will break.
He dries her tears and comforts her,
but "stays strong" for her sake.
It must be very difficult to start each day anew
 and try to be so very brave - He lost his baby, too.
Author unknown

Bob is away this week, and I have him on my mind. I wrote the following thoughts 6 or 7 months into this...around October or November of 2010. It was titled "Bob".
As Bob and I were eating breakfast this morning, I asked him if he missed me while he was at work. He said that he misses me every day. Hearing that, you'd think that he's gone all the time. He works 1 day and has 2 days off. I started laughing when he said that, because as innocently as he meant this, I thought of how true it is that he misses me. To him, it probably feels like I've been gone for months.

I’ve often wondered how we would have handled this if it happened years ago, when we were first married. Of course with God’s help. Marriage can be difficult on a “normal day”, but when something life-changing is thrown into your ideal little world, things become so different. We have become different. For us, I feel that God has strengthened an already good marriage. For that, I am so thankful.

Many have told us that losing a child is the most difficult thing that will ever happen. As a couple, I agree. It could be the worst thing, if we let it. Personally, I think that the most difficult cross I'd be chosen to carry would be losing Bob. Who would be there with his comforting arm around me while sitting in church? Who'd be here listening to me “vent”, once again, about something that I've talked about 100 times already? I already know the answer to that question…the One who never leaves or forsakes us.

I know that Bob gets frustrated with me. Our feelings are different. That's what's been so difficult about losing Grace. I've always felt as though I'm alone in this...God is here, but I still feel alone. Bob has listened to and witnessed the meltdowns and tears...more tears in the last 6 months than he's seen in almost 19 years of marriage. This is what it finally took to get me to open up and really talk to Bob. So many blessings continue to come from this.

There were, and still are, times that I’d just start crying. Bob would ask why and I would just shrug my shoulders, because I didn't know why. Now if I do, I just say, “Because I can.” I remember back to a day in August when Bob and I were sobbing in the kitchen. (Sorry for sharing that, Bob.) I said, “It's o.k. if I cry. I'll feel better.” He said, “You always say that, but I don't think that you believe it.” I said, “I believe it, because God promises that we'll see joy again,”...and we have, so many times. In our lifetime, we've been blessed with so much taken-for-granted joy, happiness, and contentment. Those things far outweigh our grief and sadness. Thankfully, the sadness only lasts for a little while…even if that ‘little while’ is the rest of my earthly life…it’s temporary.

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.    2 Corinthians 4:17,18

(I’m so glad that I kept a journal, or the following words of comfort would have been forgotten…2 years later.) “Though you will always think of Grace, you will also be filled with the underlying joy of knowing where she is the glories of heaven, and in time, that joy will 'trump' the sorrow you now feel.”

We absolutely believe this and continue to experience joy…temporary joy that is ‘seen’ and the sure hope of eternal joy that is ‘unseen’.

We have t-shirts that say on the front "Always thankful for Grace". The Wendt girls are just as thankful for Bob and dad.

Happy Father's Day!

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Some might think that we've fallen off the face of the earth. I don't remember ever being good at keeping in touch with others. Calling, writing, or sending cards hasn't been my strongest point. We've felt it was necessary to stay hidden behind our hill the last 2 years. It's how we have been able to somehow keep going when our summer plans drastically changed in May '10. Bob has always had the God-given knack for building things. He amazes us with his talent. I've built plenty of walls inside of myself without a hammer and nails...walls that need to come down. The only way I feel that I can do that is by writing. My mind goes blank when I try to many thoughts and no way of putting those thoughts into words except on paper.

Grief is such an unpredictable roller coaster ride of emotions. Everyone means well...we know that. We all want to say or do the right thing...some do, some don't. Some aren't able to overcome the awkwardness of being around someone whose baby died. We make others too sad, so it's just easier for them to stay away...easier for them. The subject is avoided and that has been more devastating for me than watching Grace die in my arms. Again...everyone means well. In the past, I've avoided others using the same poor excuses we have often heard, "I didn't want to upset you," "I don't want to make you cry," I didn't know what to say." Pretending it didn't happen doesn't work. Acknowledgement means everything. Seeing silent tears from a friend standing off to the side meant more to me than listening to the thoughtless chatter of someone who felt it was better to say something rather than nothing. That probably doesn't make sense, but many things on this earth don't.

Nothing I say is meant to hurt or blame anyone. I don't talk much about our daughters who we get to share our lives with. They are not my struggle. Life after Grace is, at times. I don't talk much about the loving support we have received either. I need to talk about the things that cloud my head...the things that keep the walls up. This isn't about me or anyone else. It's about how I can glorify God through this.

We no longer try to wrap our minds around God's plans for us. We just trust Him...and it's not easy. Our faith continues to be refined every day. For that, we are thankful.

What I share here will be difficult. I don't open myself up to many. I'm too afraid of what others will say or won't say. Maybe this will give others a better understanding of what goes on inside my head. If you think you've figured me out, please let me know, because I'm still trying to understand me.

As I just said, I want to glorify God through this. I want others to see that side of me. Some do and many don't. I continue to have a difficult time rejoicing on the outside, but I do. I have joy and peace but it is no longer the unquenchable joy and peace we long to find here on earth. My joy is found in the sure hope of heaven...the sure hope of seeing our loved ones again as we continue to miss them. It's difficult surviving someone that we imagined sharing our lives with. Thankfully, Grace shared her entire life with us, and we know without a doubt, that she lives in heaven with her Savior.