In music, a grace note is a note that is held for a brief moment...barely touched on the piano. "Grace Notes" seems like a fitting name for this blog. Our lives changed when I carried our daughter, Grace, for 9 months only to hold her (in my earthly opinion) for a brief moment. She lives in heaven with her Savior. If only that comfort, that sure hope we have, would take away the pain of missing her.

"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things." Ecclesiastes 11:5

We are always thankful for Grace.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Validated Feelings

It can be difficult for me to read the stories of others who have lost children. At times, I regret that we didn't do what someone else may have done. At times, I wish that we would have allowed our family and friends “in” right away. As time continues on, I do feel more at peace with the decisions we made in those early days...such unheard of decisions. We may have felt as though we were alone in the hospital room that day, but God was right there with us...He continues to carry us.

No two experiences are exactly alike. No one grieves in the same way. My husband and I are so different in our grief and that's o.k. It took me a long time to accept that. I couldn't figure out why he didn't feel the same way I did. How is he able to “put this on a shelf” when he needs to? I wish that I could do that. This doesn't mean that he loves Grace any less.

I continue to remind myself that the only thing that matters is that Grace lives in heaven. I don't even like to say that we lost a child. I'd rather tell people that we live with a child in heaven...not what we live without.

As I continue to read about the experiences of others who have lost children, I am relieved to learn that many, if not all, of my feelings and thoughts are validated. Others feel “this way”, some extent. I'm not as crazy as I think. It appears that many who grieve are experiencing “normal” feelings (whatever “normal” means) that go along with suffering a loss.

Shortly after Grace died, I felt encouraged when I saw others cry who had lost children. I thought that I wasn't supposed to be sad because of the short time we got to spend with her. Many told me that they also felt as though their grief didn't match the amount of time they got to spend with their child. Many of these friends lost their babies before they were born.

I recently met a father who has survived his 15 yr. old son for 33 years. I met a mother who has survived her 7 yr. old son for 44 years. The love they have for their sons will live on until they see them again in heaven. They told me that not a single day passes that they don't think of or miss their sons.

We imagine sharing our entire lives with our children. Instead, Grace shared her entire life with us. We know, without a doubt, that she lives in heaven. We pray that our other children and loved ones never fall away so we can live with them forever, too.

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Some might think that we've fallen off the face of the earth. I don't remember ever being good at keeping in touch with others. Calling, writing, or sending cards hasn't been my strongest point. We've felt it was necessary to stay hidden behind our hill the last 2 years. It's how we have been able to somehow keep going when our summer plans drastically changed in May '10. Bob has always had the God-given knack for building things. He amazes us with his talent. I've built plenty of walls inside of myself without a hammer and nails...walls that need to come down. The only way I feel that I can do that is by writing. My mind goes blank when I try to many thoughts and no way of putting those thoughts into words except on paper.

Grief is such an unpredictable roller coaster ride of emotions. Everyone means well...we know that. We all want to say or do the right thing...some do, some don't. Some aren't able to overcome the awkwardness of being around someone whose baby died. We make others too sad, so it's just easier for them to stay away...easier for them. The subject is avoided and that has been more devastating for me than watching Grace die in my arms. Again...everyone means well. In the past, I've avoided others using the same poor excuses we have often heard, "I didn't want to upset you," "I don't want to make you cry," I didn't know what to say." Pretending it didn't happen doesn't work. Acknowledgement means everything. Seeing silent tears from a friend standing off to the side meant more to me than listening to the thoughtless chatter of someone who felt it was better to say something rather than nothing. That probably doesn't make sense, but many things on this earth don't.

Nothing I say is meant to hurt or blame anyone. I don't talk much about our daughters who we get to share our lives with. They are not my struggle. Life after Grace is, at times. I don't talk much about the loving support we have received either. I need to talk about the things that cloud my head...the things that keep the walls up. This isn't about me or anyone else. It's about how I can glorify God through this.

We no longer try to wrap our minds around God's plans for us. We just trust Him...and it's not easy. Our faith continues to be refined every day. For that, we are thankful.

What I share here will be difficult. I don't open myself up to many. I'm too afraid of what others will say or won't say. Maybe this will give others a better understanding of what goes on inside my head. If you think you've figured me out, please let me know, because I'm still trying to understand me.

As I just said, I want to glorify God through this. I want others to see that side of me. Some do and many don't. I continue to have a difficult time rejoicing on the outside, but I do. I have joy and peace but it is no longer the unquenchable joy and peace we long to find here on earth. My joy is found in the sure hope of heaven...the sure hope of seeing our loved ones again as we continue to miss them. It's difficult surviving someone that we imagined sharing our lives with. Thankfully, Grace shared her entire life with us, and we know without a doubt, that she lives in heaven with her Savior.